Sunday, 1 January 2017

Turning off the Power on Friday, January 13 2017 6:00 pm-7:00pm

A Protest Message :

"Hi everyone! So here is what I am going to do on Friday, January 13, 2017. At 6:00pm, after work and just before low peak I am going to shut off all power in my house for one hour. I heat with electricity but the hour shouldn't hurt too much. As for dinner, well...I will work it out, pizza, sandwich...something. Anyway I know protests have been launched before with very little turn out, however, I am not asking anyone of you to join me although it would be nice. In fact we have over 35,000 members in this group. Now think about that. If..and that's a BIG IF everyone in the group turned off their power at the same time as myself...that is 35,000 power hours at high peak that Hydro one and Kathleen Wynne couldn't help but take notice of. More if I can get my friends and family to join me. Again, I am not asking anyone of you to join me, I can't take anymore let downs, but personally I can't sit here and bitch and moan and take it up the tail pipe without doing AT LEAST a little something. Even if I am alone. Hell! I don't even expect 90% of you will even see this post, however you who do, of course are welcome to join me. You don't even have to tell me. It would be completely your choice and it would be your silent protest as well. Why Friday the 13th? Why not?? Apropos don't you think? Even if my protest is seen by only me. I will know. And what's an hour without power? Better than an ice storm they would make us pay for. This way I still have my power and they might still feel it. Or not especially if it is only me. Maybe I will go out for dinner during that hour, or catch a movie, or take my dog for a walk. And I will have the self satisfaction that comes with being a doer, and not just a justified complainer. No matter how small. Hope all will be well in the upcoming new year. Take care of you..together." - Mara 

If nothing else do like Earth Hour ... Turn off as much as Possible to show them we can have a Monetary Effect. If more people do this Every Single Friday or every Peak Hour - Hydro One will go Bankrupt in a few weeks and will be handed back to the Municipalities.


  1. if I lived with what people in Ontario and Alberta are living with .I would shut mine off too.

    1. LIBERALS AGAINST PREMIER WYNNE4 January 2017 at 09:16

      Kathleen Wynne must Step down immediately and dismantle Hydro One and hand over to the Municipalities. Today.

    2. This is a stupid idea . The strain on our already fragile grid when everyone powers back up could be huge ! The only people to benefit would be the hydro workers doing all the repairs on double time !!! So my power goes out from the strain on the grid on a cold winters night . Now I have no heat . No water . No sump pump for when the lines freeze . Have to make an insurance claim . Rates go up again on hydro and insurance . Can I hold you accountable for all this ? Will you pay my damages ? You must live in a city in a cozy little apartment ? Some people in rural areas only have hydro . NO other services . Be smart . Choose another avenue please .

    3. it is not a stupid idea, I also live in the country and pay extra for delivery than those in the city, but if we can't make Hydro one know we are fed up then if they have to try and get rid of all the extra hydro we will not be using yet it will effect them and all who don't prepare for the outage, but at least they will know we are not sitting on our thumbs twirling an doing nothing.

    4. How would this help we had to pay for unused hydro last year. We will pay regardless! Neither cares if we use hydro or not! We will just end up paying for no hydro. Now a way to replace hydro / going off the grid would be a solution.

    5. What will it accomplish, besides you sitting in your house in the dark and cold for a hour ? Hydro one is still going to bill you the delivery charge , the amount of hydro saved for a hour , would be pennies , maybe if you can get some tv/media coverage out of it it might be worth while !

    6. Anonymous, Dont call an idea stupid because of your ignorance to how the grid operates. This idea would cause no such strain on the system even if half the houses in ON followed through. The chances of everyone turning the power back on simultaneously with evething single thing in their homes turned on at the same time are less than your chances of winning 6/49. If it was possible, the minimal amount of power houses draw would not affect the grid which is designed to handle outages. I do live in the country and with minus temps in Jan, I can promise you wont need your sump pump for an hour or 2. Know one is asking you to turn your power off, this is someones idea, an idea which I believe is a good one and will be happy to take part of. Keep your negative comments to yourself

    7. I'm with those of you that think this is a stupid idea. Not stupid in theory but stupid in practicality. My first thought when I read this was "What will happen when too many turn off their electricity and then like another poster, what will happen when there is a sudden surge when the power is back on." Now we have cut off our noses to spite our faces. We will have to live in the middle of who knows what kind of a winter's night,(ok maybe for only an hour) but what if the grid can not take the sudden surge and we shut it down for God knows how long. An hour is not much on a mild winter night but it doesn't take long on a really cold night for water lines to start to freeze, plants and fish tanks and other things to freeze but it does take a time and resources to thaw these things out after the freeze. I too would like to protest but come on, there has to be a better time than a cold winter's night. Now the second part of my rant is this; you are going to turn your electricity off at the risk of shutting down the grid and freezing your own water lines but you are going to go out to a restaurant or a movie and enjoy the activities that electricity makes possible. If you are going to protest or rebel, do it to the max. Spend the time outside away from anything that actually uses electricity. Stay off of your telephone and tablets and really protest not just complain. Again, I am not against the idea of a protest, au contraire I would back you up if the plan made sense, this one does not on too many levels.

    8. then your hydro rates go up because of lack of consumption. we've been there. so why bother?

    9. Sorry unknown, but it rained here in Amherstburg last night & the sump pump is running!

    10. Come on cookie? The grid is built to handle surges. Not possible for it to shut down because of a surge of power. Even if we all turned it on at the same time

    11. Wow.... Stupid calling the stupid...stupid!!!!!! I wonder what happens when there is a blackout and all the power goes out to only come back on an hour later and everything is still turned on....It must blow up the whole system( with double time of course for workers) .... right??? Wrong.. there are start up computer systems and fail-safe’s that read load and requirements and adjust accordingly. Here's the rub ....FEAR.. fear to take a chance, fear to stand up for what is right, fear to be counted with an opinion that is yours, fear to fight, fear to go up against an opponent that seems untouchable; but in fact is very, very vulnerable(Just like the bully, Goliath was).... No Pain No Gain!!! It's all good and fine to sit back let this all happen as most STUPID Canadians are known do(who wants to make an effort when you can sit in your cozy little home and watch TV, FB your buds and text all night)....... until it affects you directly and then the cries start, but it's too late after that. Just like the selling off of Hydro One will be very shortly; then see if you can pay all your bills. The only way the government gets the message is when people open their mouths and take unified ACTION! This lady has it right, do it when we use the most power and make a bold, impacting statement. Suffer a tiny little bit now so you won't be tortured later! For the person at the top of this pile of rubbish who said to be smart and choose another avenue... Why don't you get off your lazy butt and do something or give some positive input along with the rest or be quiet. Learn to stand up now...cause when Trump closes the door on Ontario and Canada and he will, see if you can afford to live the continued life of a Canadian Ostrich. Trump won't be playing any shenanigans with our overtaxing, underachieving, job robbing selfish politicians and their corrupt bureaucracy! And it only exists.... Because we allow it... that is the only reason!!!! I cannot believe the comments contained above... get your heads out of the sand for the sake of future generations, one that our hardworking, sacrificing forefathers handed over to us to cherish, enhance and protect. Not let a small group of thieves steal it out of our hands while we look the other way and hope for the best. If you don't believe they are doing this, here is a small sample of proof that they have been doing it right in front of your faces:
      Hydro One CEO receives $4 Million Salary while 60,000 families have their power turned off. Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal Government in Ontario have increased Hydro Rates (Electricity costs) by over 200 % since 2008. When she and her cronies finish selling off Hydro One to their rich buddies....It’s GAME OVER! Now what??? I shoulda, coulda, woulda! Such shame in this probable outcome that we are going to allow. Kudos to the person who had the guts and initiative to start this protest and take their precious time and effort to think it out and put it together!!! Sleep tight while you can! Ciao

    12. All you people that think this is a stupid idea are the the same as those who bitch and moan about gas prices, but keep on paying any price at the pump and won't conserve and keep driving gas guzzling cars and SUVs. On the same token, if everyone didn't buy gas for one day, the impact on the oil companies would be huge. Unfortunately, no one will prepare ahead and stay away from the pumps in solidarity for even one day. The 'POWER' will always win

    13. Right on Brock!!!

    14. If only it would, if everyone did shut the power off, hydro one would just increase the price because they did not earn enough. Same as when the winter was too mild, they did not make enough to cover the "upgrades" so they jacked the prices. Summer was too hot, so they jacked the prices as there was too much drain on the grid, and they will have to install new equipment. No regulation, no win.

    15. solid as a soup sandwich

    16. It is nice to see that Canadians are finally fighting back on this issue. But I don't think this will be enough. We need to add plan "B" to this plan "A". And plan "B" is this, in early April (or as soon as we no longer need our furnaces) or air conditioners, we all shut down our hydro every Sunday for 6 hours from noon to 6 pm. Why on a Sunday? Because most manufacturing plants are shut down on Sundays. Why noon to 6 pm? Most people are getting over the winter blues and would rather be out side during these hours (more people will join our fight). And the beauty of this all is that Ontario Hydro won't be able to give or sell the extra hydro to provinces or states near by because they will be experiencing the same temps as us and won't need it. This will force Ontario Hydro to shut systems down. Then it will cause them great grief to turn these systems back up when we all turn our hydro back on at 6 pm. Then, to top it all off, we ask each and every Ontario resident, business owner, manufacturing plants that are not happy with our hydro rates to pay their April Hydro bill with only $10 for that month. The little bit of late payment you will be charged is well worth the fight and they can not shut you down if you are making any sort of an attempt to pay your bill and it sends them a great message on just how many people are in this fight against them because they are not getting it. Beside, they don't chase you for payment unless you've missed 2 payments. The meat in your freezers will be fine for just 6 hours so no need to worry We will do this each and every Sunday until they lower the rates back to what they were and we demand Kathleen Wynn be FIRED!!. I truly believe this will work. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.If not, I have plan "C". Please share the shit out of this so we can get as much as possible on board..

    17. great plan be love it

    18. Shared this on Twitter. Wow what a response. SO many people are going to do this. Super idea.

    19. More people signing up to do this every day.

    20. Let's set up the day!! I'm in.

  2. My last Hydro bill was 100 dollars more this month.

    1. What I have done is gone to even billing so that the cost is spread out over the year even if means paying more than I would otherwise in the summer.

    2. Wait till you get your bill year end... WE were on that had to pay over 500 for "over usage" charges but since i removed it im paying a 100$ less a month, becareful these "deals" aren't always what they seem.

    3. We started doing this last week and track our consumption online. Our Hydro Bill will be very low next month. I should have done this months ago. Thank you so much to whoever thought of this. Sharing with EVERYONE I know ....

    4. My Hydro Bill was $200 less this month by turning off as much stuff as possible during peak rates.

  3. Instead of Bitching people and commenting...SHARE IT OR IT WON'T WORK

    1. It has been already shared over 8 Million times. It is listed on 1 Million Tumblr blogs and Web Pages.

    2. How about I complain, bitch, comment, share and do it? Does that work Cranky? ;)

    3. I think most of us can easily do this in our current slack weather for 24 hours without much suffering or risk of freezing pipes. Make it hurt them more!!

    4. I would turn off all my power but my house is heated by electric baseboard heaters. I will be turning off the rest of my power though.

    5. 1 hour in this weather won't freeze you out.

    6. Remember to unplug electronics to prevent power surge.

    7. So any hour in peak time or is this a specific hour you want. Regardless, I am in.

    8. Good for you to try and make a difference. I have signed every petition going but Wynne and Hydro don't care. Hopefully this will open their eyes.

    9. We are going to unplug Everything Starting Today at 5:00 pm.... every Day. Hydro One is going to lose Billions. Their Stock price will fall to ZERO.

    10. PISSED OFF HYDRO CUSTOMERS4 January 2017 at 09:14

      This is just the Start of this ACTION.... if everyone unplugs during Prime Time Rates. They will stop making money. No Profits and they go under.

    11. im sick of hydro i pay dearly every month so bought generator now gas went up so i pay the same they got you every way possible

  4. Hydro One is finished this Friday. What the News....

  5. Everyone I know is going to do this every Friday - all day. Hydro is Finished.

  6. Getting a lot more views on Reddit and Tumblr. This is Incredible.

  7. This is on all the Facebook Groups too.

  8. Interweb Viral INCORPORATED2 January 2017 at 20:41

    The POWER of the InterWebs is greater than the Power of the Power companies.

  9. The off shoot of this is, if enough people do this, it will create a spike, and the whole idea of the grid is to keep it level and uniform. This is why they must dump power to the USA so cheap, it has to go somewhere. Now, during peak time they are supplying a strong amount, but if we can get enough people to do this, then continue it when we decide, it will disrupt their grid at our choice when. Let's do it.

    1. Doing it Randomly all week long. From 7:00 am to 7:00 pm almost every day now. My Bill has dropped to $40

    2. Your bill may have dropped $40 but you still paid about $10 for that $40 savings in transportation fees, they have our asses in s sling...

    3. That's not going to happen it's no different when the hydro actually does go off. It will not disrupt the grid. Don't be so sill, think about what you're saying!!

    4. ha ha .... we do this all then time.

  10. Has anyone noticed how extremely High the price for transportation is for the amount of Hydro usage... Transportation is approximately 80% extra charge .How can one possibly save on Hydro cost. Everyone should wake up .. There is no way Transportation can ever be that expensive.(almost the same cost of Hydro Usage) Its next to impossible to save on your Hydro Bill.

    1. We pay more than 100% more for transportation than we do for actual hydro where we live!

    2. Try 37% for transmission and delivery(hydro one). It's 50%+ for generation ( global adjustment and green energy act) 3% regulatory ( IESO). 4.8% tax ( after rebate) 4.3% other (smart meters). But all summed up in delivery.


    1. Nope you could shut your hydro off for a year you will still be billed for transportation costs

    2. Martin is right - The only way to stop getting billed for delivery charges is to disconnect the hydro line from the pole to your home. I had a hydro guy tell me that a few years ago.

    3. I just wanted to chime in. After living without power for almost 2 months. Hydro One disconnected us in October 2016 for a 800$ bill. No notice no call nothing. Then charged reconnection, plus account set up fees plus late payment charge. They go on. We had paid in full a 4500$ in May . So my point. After having hydro back on we started to shut breakers off to help save on hydro. We got new lot watt light bulbs . Power bars to shut down over everywhere we could. Since trying to do that our well pump pressure switch stopped working we have blown fuses . We are sure yet if it from a surge of power when we turn on the power bars or breakers. We need an electrician to have a look. Just be careful turning power on and off. I will definitely Jin in the cause though. Hydro bills are outrageous! I have a elderly farther pay over 1100$ per month for his home. He is on a pension. How long can he keep doing it. I don't know. He will probably end up loosing the house he built over 40 years ago because of hydro costs. That seems absolutely ridiculous to me.

    4. Turning your hydro off and using someone else's hydro is defeating your purpose. Going to a restaurant or a movie is still using hydro. If you are going to make a statement and expect others to follow, I would suggest you truly turn your power off. Lets all turn our power off and go use someone else's. Yep....sounds good to me.

    5. It won't change transportation costs but it negate your carbon tax a bit.

    6. Liberals against Wynne4 January 2017 at 09:15

      Kathleen Wynne must Resign. People can't afford to buy food or live anymore.

    7. For those that dont know, transportation/delivery fees are directly related to the amount of hydro used as a %/KWH. Keep in mind I believe there is a minimum charge if you dont use any hydro for the month. If you shut down for a day here and there you are not still paying transportation for the times the power is off. If you dont want to take my word for it, call hydro and ask for an explanation of the charges on your bill. Dont take the word of all the people on the message boards making assumptions. You you know what they say about people who assume....

    8. 37% for transmission and delivery(hydro one). It's 50%+ for generation ( global adjustment and green energy act) 3% regulatory ( IESO). 4.8% tax ( after rebate) 4.3% other (smart meters). But all summed up in delivery.

  12. We have a bunch of fanatics complaining about carbon emission causing global warming so that the Government can Tax more the consumers and laugh at the fools getting ripped off ...Its only another way for the government to collect more revenue

  13. dont go to a movie or a restaurant that is still using Hydro!

    1. but if they aren't on board with the "turning off of the power" then going to those places isn't hurting anything....they are using their hydro regardless.

  14. I will do that. Friday 13th from 6-7. Gladly. And whenever else you suggest.

    1. i will shut down all hydro 6 to 7 as well.

  15. I'm in too. I'll shut my power off every chance I can.

  16. The more we try to save the higher the cost.
    We have energy efficient fridges, stoves, light bulbs and fixtures, washers, dryers, thermostats.
    We base our usage by avoiding peak hour costs.
    We use LESS they charge MORE to meet their bottom line projections.

    1. Agreed. We try to save they bump the cost.

    2. I'm in as well, Happy Friday the 13th..

    3. I notice that you try everything and they get you one way or another,my pension cheque goes to my hydro bill my budget is 490.00 a month I still owe them and I'am over my budget by 900.00 that's insane,I don't have gas in my home but I have a small home new doors, windows, frig, stove, washer, dryer,
      light bulbs what more can I do.

  17. If every one does this you may get a huge spike if you all turn the power back on at the same time. May overload their computers.

  18. I have an electrical hotwater tank and added a timer ( in the power supply line. The hours are set to the low rate, i.e. between 19:00 and 07:00. With some managing the household has enough hote/warm water all day.

    1. That is awesome. We are Natural Gas heated ... but I set heat to lowest level ....

    2. Well we only need hot water for a shower. Cold water kills more germs.

  19. Dont turn it off turn EVERYTHING on. Earth hour is just the same. The electric company isnt making LESS energy but the less you use the MORE they have to sell to the USA, for higher profits.

    1. Yeah ??? We turn everything off as much as possible during Peak Hours and our Hydro Bill is less than $100 / mo

    2. Not True at all. Do you work for Hydro One Maybe ?

    3. I think they sell the excess energy to the US for a loss, so they won't get higher profits.

    4. There was a huge article several years ago about our hydro going to the USA and Quebec. ... the government PAID them to take our excess hydro

  20. Personally we need to kick kathern and Trudeau out before this bullshit gets worse

  21. hydro is finished ? lmfao really you think so?

  22. And now for those of use who don't heat with hydro because it is too expensive we get the news that Ontario has imposed a "cap" tax on oil and natural gas. If they can't screw you one way they will another.

  23. Even if we shut it off, we still get charged for delivery to our house whether we use it or not. That isn't fair. :(

  24. This should be a message FOR hydro one...not FROM!

  25. As much as I am all for protests and lower hydro bills, I think if you're going to shut your power off and invite others to do it too, perhaps you should not mention that you might order out or go catch a movie, as both those things require hydro. Perhaps read a book with a flashlight would be a more appropriate activity to protest with.

    1. Going out to a place that will be using the same amount of hydro whether you are there are not, ie: movie will not hurt your cause.

    2. The flashlight is made in a factory which uses hydro. The book your reading was printed by an electric printer

  26. as from history repeating its self....if they notice the hour ...they will raise prices....when told to consume hydro or water wisely ...when done so they raised prices saying they lost income they assumed they had....goverment are all crooks....only one thing they see ....themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Well even with Hydro shut entirely off you still get charged approx $100 for delivery even if nothing was delivered!!

  28. I'm in and I think we should do this as often as we can until they hear us and do something about the ridiculous over charges

  29. I hate to say this but all you will accomplish is to increase costs to the taxpayer. We have an electricity surplus in Ontario all unused power needs to be consumed so WE PAY some northern US states to take it off our hands. So we pay for the outrageous prices to PRODUCE it then PAY others to take it off our hands.

  30. My cottage used $0.50 in hydro. The delivery charge was $48.00 with taxes. Lucky we don't go to the gas station put $10.00 in the tank. Then have to pay $200.00 service charge to pump from the tank..

  31. Earth Hour 2017 -

    Started in Sydney, Australia in 2007, has now become a worldwide event.

  32. Think its a great idea ... but you do know they will just raise the rates again to make up for their losses! Im in I am all for it but just remember the government is in their pockets they will just raise it again! They got sewed that is why our rates are so high! It is hard to do anything in this country because our government is a criminal organization out to steal as much as they can from us and back the companies who want to steal too like Hydro!

  33. If you think by turning your hydro off for an hour will do anything to make the government take notice then you really have no clue. The only way to make the government take notice is mass protests shutting down the city. When you can get thousands of people to come together and protest daily then the government has no choice to take notice and react. The problem though is people would rather bitch and moan from the comfort of their homes and not go out to the cold and streets to protest the government and their actions so in return nothing is really going to be done or changed for your 1 hour shutdown. Look around the world when you have massive protests demanding change, eventually most of those daily protests cause change because as each day goes by, more and more people join in for the cause and the media starts to take interest and then the government has no choice but to react. Back in the early 90's we protested almost every day for governments to take Aids seriously and fight for a cure and understanding about the disease and guess what ? The government heard us and had no choice to react. In the mid to late 90's we protested almost daily shutting down main intersections for the LGBT to have equal rights, Guess what? The government had no choice but to listen and react and we now have equal rights. In 2004 we protested to make homelessness the centre of attention and have more shelters put in place and guess what? Yup you got it. The government had no choice but to take action. You must be visible to the public and your government for any sort of action to take place and at this point Wynne and the Liberals dont give a rats ass at what you do, say or think because you really are not making any sort of demand by sitting on your ass in the dark doing nothing for a hour. They will not even notice, You can either get out and really make your voices heard or stay in the dark for an hour to where it really wont make them notice you at all. Your choice.

    1. One Million Angry People in Ontario4 January 2017 at 09:08

      Thank you for your Support. We are now over 1 Million People that are going to do this. If nothing else we will save a few dollars on our Hydro Bill. Thanks for your Comment though.

    2. PISSED OFF HYDRO ONE CUSTOMERS4 January 2017 at 09:11

      What you fail to realize is that we will be doing this every day. Hydro One is going to lose Billions of Dollars. Layoffs will start soon. Just watch. Money Talks my Brother.

    3. To the person who wrote the novel above. Worse case senerio, we all save a couple bucks on our bill. Think of how much time you wasted writing your post from the comfort of your home. Hater, take your own advise and do something

  34. I live in Quebec! drove over to Champlain NY for work and they told me that their Hydro was provided by Quebec... Listen to this. While I'm paying 230 a month to live in QC QC Hydro sell to the US for cheaper price than what we pay! By the way their monthly hydro bills are 60-70$ a month, on electric baseboards! I guess we're paying for them??

  35. Can't do that since we rent out our basement apartment to a young fellow and we can't just shut off his power. Turn off some lights maybe.

    1. Yes ... do like Earth Day ... Turn off as much as Possible to show them we can have a Monetary Effect. If more people do this Every Single Friday or very Peak Hour - Hydro One will go Bankrupt in a few weeks and need to be handed over to the Municipalities.

    2. Doing laundry after 7 p.m. is also a way to save some money.

  36. The only thing the hydro company are going to notice Is that they lost that revenue and how to get it back by raising prices again

  37. It would be better too overload their computer system by making mass request every Monday morning at the same time . Shut them down with DOS

  38. Better yet we can call and all arrange a cut off date for our hydro to be shut off due to extreme high costs
    If we all ask for our final reading of the meters only then will it be noticed and only then will they do something about it

  39. I'll do it, if only to show support! Like one comment mentioned, the hydro part is one issue, it's the outlandish delivery charges in rural areas that are quite often 50% to 100% or more of consumption! I'm without hydro at this very moment and yet I pay enough delivery fees there should be sufficient funds to have 10 times the number of crews out right now trying to get people back up. I will do as I did before and send Hydro One receipts along with a bill for expenses incurred by their incompetence! Probably falls on deaf ears but if enough people retaliate in whatever manner they can, someone somewhere will be forced to take notice!

  40. This will do absolutely nothing, just like every other half-baked protest that's been done. Have you seen what's going on in Mexico over the increase in gas prices? THAT is what needs to be done. Going to court to seek injunctions against the government is another thing that needs to be done in order to be effective. So is petitioning the Lieutenant-Governer General to call an election. That's real action. Those are real steps. But people don't want to do them because it requires commitment and effort, instead they'd rather let the small few take on the risk and burden that is less successful because no one wants to sign anything or put their name to it. Instead, they'd rather piss-and-moan from the comfort of their homes.

  41. How many of you voted LIBERAL?

    1. Not '' me..that's for sure.

  42. Pissed OFF in Ontario4 January 2017 at 19:09

    So doing this.... every Friday, then every single day until Hydro One is Shut the Fk down baby.

  43. I'm in! It's Time we started harassing the Hydro Company instead of the other way around!

  44. What if we shut off the power from 6-7 every night the temperature is +3 or higher and take protest signs to our closest towns city hall. Protest for an hour when ever we can some will come every night others when they can do you think this will help? Who's with me, I know I can do it.

    1. Agreed. Excellent. We started turning off our power 6 weeks ago and our Hydro Bill is much lower already.

  45. I hope I see others at Hamilton City Hall protesting hydro prices!

  46. Have been off grid for 3 investment we have ever made....:)

  47. All this will accomplish is the surplus power will be sold at a loss to the U.S, costing us all more money. It will not affect grid operations.

  48. I wish people would get their facts straight about who sets the electricity rates in Ontario and why the electricity rates are now what they are - do some freaking research! Although I personally am not a Wynn supporter, I have to admit she inherited this electricity crisis! Hydro One doesn't set the electricity rates in Ontario nor do they keep the funds from those charges on the bill. It's a pass-through charge set by the OEB for the gov't just like every other utility on Ontario.

  49. I think this is a great idea for a protest. I agree it should be an ongoing thing, Done every week or something until there is a change. They will not go bankrupt over this though, that is silly, especially not in just a couple of weeks. It is however a way to take a stand and draw some attention

  50. Great idea. I live in Arizona and I will join you in your protest. Won't do any good but it will show solidarity. Go for it.


    1. highlight & then copy & paste to see

    2. Shared...... Saw this on TUMBLR and TWITTER today also.

  52. Be careful, you could be punished playing games with the big boys. You say 1 hr, then they say 10 hrs, sorry Huston we have a problem, should be fixed by tomorrow.

  53. Call me stupid but how can ONE hour compete with the other 23 hours? How is that going to cause the big boys to go bankrupt? It just means your electricity will have to kick in for longer to bring the temperature back up.

  54. It is nice to see that Canadians are finally fighting back on this issue. But I don't think this will be enough. We need to add plan "B" to this plan "A". And plan "B" is this, in early April (or as soon as we no longer need our furnaces) or air conditioners, we all shut down our hydro every Sunday for 6 hours from noon to 6 pm. Why on a Sunday? Because most manufacturing plants are shut down on Sundays. Why noon to 6 pm? Most people are getting over the winter blues and would rather be out side during these hours (more people will join our fight). And the beauty of this all is that Ontario Hydro won't be able to give or sell the extra hydro to provinces or states near by because they will be experiencing the same temps as us and won't need it. This will force Ontario Hydro to shut systems down. Then it will cause them great grief to turn these systems back up when we all turn our hydro back on at 6 pm. Then, to top it all off, we ask each and every Ontario resident, business owner, manufacturing plants that are not happy with our hydro rates to pay their April Hydro bill with only $10 for that month. The little bit of late payment you will be charged is well worth the fight and they can not shut you down if you are making any sort of an attempt to pay your bill and it sends them a great message on just how many people are in this fight against them because they are not getting it. Beside, they don't chase you for payment unless you've missed 2 payments. The meat in your freezers will be fine for just 6 hours so no need to worry We will do this each and every Sunday until they lower the rates back to what they were and we demand Kathleen Wynn be FIRED!!. I truly believe this will work. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.If not, I have plan "C". Please share the shit out of this so we can get as much as possible on board..

    1. Generators shut down not hydro one. That would be OPG or Bruce nuclear. Then to force nuclear down its big bucks to get it back up. Then it's all price adjusted by the global adjustment. Get your facts straight.

    2. Awesome. Spoke to everyone at work today and we are all going to do this. So that's 30 more people.

    3. I never said which systems, did I? Do you work for a hydro company?

  55. Canadian Preppers9 January 2017 at 16:05

    Shared in our Facebook Group with 63,000 members. Shutting off our Power this Friday and every Friday,

  56. Wow. This has gone Viral.

  57. Canadian Photography9 January 2017 at 16:28

    Shared on Instagram also.

  58. This was just on the Local News. Looks like thousands of people are going to do this ! Fantastic. Hydro One on the run.

  59. Going to do this today, and then tomorrow and every single day. Goodbye Hydro One.

  60. Below are link to find your provincial and federal government representatives. SEND THE A MESSAGE' PLEASE
    My power will be off on Friday 13th at 6PM. A better protest than rioting like the Mexicans did when they had a carbon tax forced on them.

  61. So how's it going? I don't mind the power off although it does get a little chilly when it's -40° outside with wind chill

  62. So? What happened? How many turned off their Hydro? Did we gain from it? Are we done with this now? Is this fight over now? Sure looks like it. People in the know tell me my plan "B" will work. Are you all in with me on this?

  63. I did my part I even stayed up late to watch the local news there was absolutely nothing covering this what did we gain from this

    1. Other than I saved maybe $4 off of my hydro bill one of my bowel movements gets more attention than this
